Rereading the "People's Agreement": Developed Countries Need Solid Action to Repay Climate Debt" Author: Gwen Abstract:Climate change is the result of man-made emissions over a long period of time....
Can a World Filled with Forests Brings Us Carbon Neutrality?Author: Liam Abstract:Forests are carbon tanks not storages. Even if the world is full of forests, it will not be able to absorb the carb...
“None for All and All for One”: Developed Countries Emit, Least Developed Countries Suffer-Observation on UNFCCC COP26 Author: Zhang Xiaoqian Abstract:In order to limit the total amount of carbon i...
Decoding the Glasgow Climate Pact: Coal, Fossil Fuel and Carbon Market Author: Stan Abstract:After the negotiations of the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) of the United Nations Framework Con...
Case Filling Challenges Faced by NGOs on Environmental Public Interest Litigation Author: Wang Xiaoqiong Abstract: According to the revised Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of ...
CBCGDF wins the 2021 Charity Driving Force AwardAuthor: Wang Xiaoqiong Abstract: On December 20th, 2021, China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) won the special aw...
【广角】An Encounter with Snow Lotus at the Bogda Mountain
Title: An Encounter with Snow Lotus at the Bogda MountainArticle and photo by: Xiong YutongAbstract:The article and photos are striking records of an exciting exploration trip of the Bogda Mountain...
作者:莉娅 张大芊中文摘要:森林是碳的蓄水池,不是仓库,就算在世界上可以种树的土地上种满森林,也无法吸收目前化石燃料燃烧释放的碳量。我们不仅需要注重造林,还要因地制宜,考虑整体的生态系统影响。恢复森林损失的森林,阻止森林砍伐,从源头上减少排放,并寻找其他策略来去除已经在大气中积累的碳。关键词:植树造林;碳中和;气候变化;碳排放;自然生态系统Can a World Filled with Fo...
作者:李延新中文摘要:雾霾是“雾”与“霾”的结合物,而“霾”则是颗粒物的统称,雾霾中粒径小于2.5微米的主要成分是硫酸盐和硝酸盐。雾霾的形成与气象条件密切相关。防治雾霾的方法为消除硫酸盐、硝酸盐及人为排放的水汽。从燃烧的源头消除雾霾可采用颠覆性的清洁高效燃烧技术在燃烧阶段实现脱硫与脱硝。治理非常规污染物刻不容缓。关键词:雾霾;湿法脱硫;可凝结颗粒物;水汽;烟气治理;非常规污染物How to ...
【动态】 Invitation to the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and Drylands Dialogue
Author: Wang JingAbstract: Biodiversity conservation and sustainable development of drylands play a vital role in global ecological construction. In order to build a community of shared future in t...
【观点】Eating Meat is not a sin. Plant-based diets have limited effects in mitigating climate change
Author: PatchesZhang DaqianKey words: Mitigating climate change, meat consumption, reducing deforestation, green innovation in animal husbandry " Every time someone in China eats a piece of meat, a...
【观点】Economic policies:key influencer of biodiversity
Huang QihanRecently, Dr. Zhou Jinfeng, Deputy Director-General and Secretary-General of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) shared his view of economic policie...