Limits to growth and challenges in the post-growth era The 50th anniversary of the publication of Li


By GU Bowen


The year of 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of Limits to Growth. In honor of this remarkable work, a symposium was held in Oslo, Norway. One of the book's three authors, Professor Jorgen Randers, spoke with a wide range of political and academic panelists on the topic "50 years of Limits to Growth: Can economies grow indefinitely on a finite planet?" The event reviewed how the prediction models in the book "Limits to Growth" relate to reality, put forward the forecast and prospects for the future, summarized five directions that people need to pursue in order to reverse the current situation, and warned that more attention should be given to people at the bottom of the society and the marginal groups while dealing   problems of global climate change and regional development in the process.

Key words:

Limits to Growth, degrowth, build-up lag, sustainable development

GU Bowen. Limits to growth and challenges in the postgrowth era The 50th anniversary of the publication of Limits to Growth. Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development. Vol.1 No.8, July 2022, ISSN2749-9065