By ZHANG Daqian, WANG Huo, GAO Junqi
Indigenous and local communities (IPLCs) do not benefit from access and benefit sharing (ABS) due to the nature of Digital Sequence Information (DSI) of genetic resources, so a strong and inclusive Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) is needed to provide reference and concrete implementation. This article will describe the issues facing indigenous people today and the international framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity that would ideally help implement ABS.
Key words:
indigenous peoples and local communities, indigenous peoples benefits, digital sequence information on genetic resources, access and benefit sharing, Global Biodiversity Framework
ZHANG Daqian,WANG Huo,GAO Junqi. An indigenous perspective on access and benefit sharing from digital sequence information on genetic resources: What international law do we need? Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development. Vol.1 No.9, August 2022, ISSN2749-9065