Using bamboo to replace plastic a rising industry


By YANG Changjiang


Plastic used to be a great invention of human being, but now it has evolved into excessive pollution of the earth's ecosystem and poses serious threat to human health. The International Bamboo and Rattan Organization, as a pioneer, has been working quietly for more than 20 years to make systematic arrangements and breakthroughs in the field of engineering bamboo. Today, they have achieved fruitful results, especially in the research and development of using bamboo to replace plastic products, and have explored several optimal and feasible alternatives to solve plastic pollution.

Key words:

Plastics, pollution, bamboo fiber, human health, climate change

YANG Changjiang. Using bamboo to replace plastic a rising industry. Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development. Vol.1 No.8, July 2022, ISSN2749-9065

Photo caption: Bamboo fiber meal box developed by the center and a company in Chongqing

Photo Caption: The center and a group in Anhui successfully developed the bamboo straw

The center and a Fujian group successfully developed bamboo straw

The center and a company in Jiangsu successfully developed bamboo material for power plant cooling tower

The center and a Zhejiang company successfully developed the bamboo composite pipe