【Opinion】Chris Magero: integrated goals will fuel pastoralism and the conservation dryland biodivers


Chris Magero: integrated goals will fuel pastoralism and the conservation dryland biodiversity

By Chris Magero


Dryland is an important part of ecosystem. Pastoralism improvement is beneficial to drylands’ sustainable utilization. Effective measures of drylands require better policies and actions. Protect natural resources of drylands is the long-term goal, while local biodiversity conservation is the short-term one. Meanwhile, economic development of drylands is also an integral part of drylands’ sustainable development.

Key words: drylands; pastoralism; sustainable development, land management

Organizing Committee for the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and Drylands Dialogue Chris Magero: integrated goals will fuel pastoralism and the conservation dryland biodiversity. Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development, Vol.5 No.2, January 2022, ISSN2749-9065