【聚焦】 重读《人民协议》:发达国家需真正行动以偿还气候债务(英文版)


Rereading the "People's Agreement": Developed Countries Need Solid Action to Repay Climate Debt"

Author: Gwen


Climate change is the result of man-made emissions over a long period of time. This process has started since the Industrial Revolution. The accumulation of capital in developed countries is a result from not only the exploitation and slaughter of the people in colonies, but also the plundering of natural resources and the fixation of out-of-date energy structures. The "People's Agreement" issued at the "World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth" held in 2010 points to the irresponsibility of the developed countries. This article discusses in detail the impact of historical emissions on the current world and how developed countries should compensate for their behavior.

Keywords: Climate Change Conference, Glasgow Climate Agreement, Carbon Emissions, Developed Countries, African Countries, Environmental Subsidies, Human Rights

Gwen, Rereading the "People's Agreement": Developed Countries Need Solid Action to Repay Climate Debt", Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development, Vol.1 No.2. January 2022, ISSN2749-9065