作者:莉娅 张大芊
Can a World Filled with Forests Brings Us Carbon Neutrality?
Author: LiamStan
Forests are carbon tankspools, not storagestanks. Even if the world is full of forests, it will not be able to absorb the carbon released by the current burning of fossil fuels at present. We not only need to focus on afforestation, but also its theimpact on overall the whole ecosystem impact. Forests Rrestoration, stopping deforestation, reducinge emissions, and finding other strategies to remove carbon that has already accumulated in the atmosphere are the ways to go.
Keywords: afforestation;, carbon neutrality;, climate change;, carbon emission;, ecosystem
作者:葛文 张大芊
中文摘要:气候变化是长期以来人为排放的结果,这个过程自工业革命就已开始,并且目前还没有放缓的趋势。发达国家的资本积累背后不仅有是殖民地人民的被剥削和屠戮,还是也有对自然资源的掠夺和能源结构的固化。 2010年举办的“气候变化和地球母亲权利世界各国人民会议”上发布的《“人民协议”》一语中的,点出了发达国家的不作为。本文详细论述了历史排放对于当前世界的影响,以及发达国家应该如何弥补自己的过去行为。
Rereading the "People's Agreement": Developed Countries Needs Solid Action to Repay Climate Debt"
Author: GwenStan
Climate change is the result of man-made emissions over a long period of time. This process has started since the Industrial Revolution. The accumulation of capital in developed countries is a result from not only the exploitation and slaughter of the people in colonies, but also the plundering of natural resources and the fixation of out-of-date energy structures. The "People's Agreement" issued at the "World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth" held in 2010 points to the irresponsibility of the developed countries. This article discusses in detail the impact of historical emissions on the current world and how developed countries should compensate for their behavior.
Keywords: Climate Change Conference;, Glasgow Climate Agreement;, Carbon Emissions;, Developed Countries;, African Countries;, Environmental Subsidies;, Human Rights
作者:张晓倩 张大芊
“" None for All and All for One”: Developed Countries Emit, Least Developed Countries Suffer-Observation Comment on UNFCCC COP26
Author: Zhang XiaoqianDaqian
In order to limit the total amount of carbon in the atmosphere, the United Nations Climate Change Conference put forward the concept of NDCs, but the negotiation has not been a smooth sailing. The inequality in carbon quotas and carbon reduction responsibilities has resulted in more emissions in developed countries. At the same time, the bitter fruits of climate change have thebeen taken largely by greatest impact on the least developed countries that contributed least to it. This article details the calculation process of carbon emission and how should climate financing alleviate the uneven distribution of adaptation resources.
Keywords: United Nations Climate Change Conference;, Total Emissions;, Carbon Emissions;, Carbon Allowances;, Ecological Debt;, Climate Financing
《联合国气候变化框架公约》第26次缔约方大会(UNFCCC COP26)的谈判在延长一天后,各缔约方国家于格拉斯哥通过了名为《格拉斯哥气候公约》(后简称《公约》)的成果文件。文件呼吁:逐步减少煤炭使用,结束化石燃料补贴,调动气候资金,加快减排节奏。
Decoding the Glasgow Climate Pact: Coal, Fossil Fuel and Carbon Market
Author: Stan
After the negotiations of theThe 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) wereas extended for one day, after negotiations. Tthe parties passed an outcome document called the Glasgow Climate Pact. The document calls for: phrasinge down coal, ending fossil fuel subsidies, mobilizing climate funds, and accelerating the pace of emissions reduction.
Keywords: climate change;, fossil energy;, developed countries;, developing countries;, climate finance;, carbon market;, carbon emission reduction