【Opinion】“Bee Conservation”Is Not Good for Wildlife Conservation


“Bee Conservation” Is Not Good for Wildlife Conservation-High Density of Cultured Honey Bees Would Harm Wild Pollinators

Authors: Jonas Geldmann and Juan P. González-Varo

Translator: FENG Lu


Globally, seventy-five perecent of major crops depend to some degree on polination, which will bring about 9% increase to the global crop production. Such pollination is provided by a lot of species, including more than 20,000 species of bees as well as butterflies, flies, and many species of vertebrates. Studies have shown that cultured honey bees would harm wild pollinators, and that bees are managed in hives that have nothing to do with nature conservation.

Key words: honeybee, artificial breeding, high density of honey bees, wild pollinators, pollination

FENG LuBee Conservation” Is Not Good for Wildlife Conservation-High Density of Cultured Honey Bees Would Harm Wild Pollinators. Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development, Vol.1 No.5, April 2022, ISSN2749-9065