【动态】 中国绿发会获评2021 年度公益推动力大奖!(英文版)


CBCGDF wins the 2021 Charity Driving Force Award

Author: Wang Xiaoqiong

Abstract: On December 20th, 2021, China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) won the special award at the 11th Charity Festival, the 2021 Charity Driving Force Award. For many decades, with the strength of public good, CBCGDF has devoted itself to research and study on ecological civilization as well as ecological scientific investigation. By filing hundreds of environmental public interest litigations, CBCGDF has played an important role in social governance. CBCGDF has actively built international collaboration and is deeply committed to the global environmental governance.

Key words: the 11th Charity Festival, 2021 Charity Driving Force Award, ecological scientific investigation, environmental public interest litigations, global environmental governance

Wang Xiaoqiong, CBCGDF wins the 2021 Charity Driving Force Award, Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development, Vol.1 No.2. January 2022, ISSN2749-9065