By SONG Xiaoli1, XU Yanjun1
(1. China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation)
Abstract: The ocean observation system is a key support for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. It supports climate monitoring, environmental protection, marine management and scientific research by providing data on ocean physical, chemical and biological variables. At present, the challenges facing ocean observation include expanding deep sea and polar observation coverage, improving data quality and consistency, promoting data sharing, responding to climate change and accelerating technological innovation. To overcome these challenges, it is necessary to strengthen international cooperation, policy support, financial investment, talent training and capacity building.
Key words: Ocean observation, UN Decade of Ocean, ocean health, climate change, data sharing
SONG Xiaoli, XU Yanjun. Global Ocean Observing System: A cornerstone for sustainable development. BioGreen - Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development. Vol. 1, November 2024. Total Issues 70. ISSN2749-9065