By MA Yong1, WANG Minna1
(1. China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation)
Abstract: On September 9, 2024, the General Office of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued a notice on soliciting opinions on the Work plan for the National Carbon Emissions Market Covering the Cement, Steel, and Electrolytic Aluminum Sectors (Draft for Comments). From the Work Plan, it can be seen that some content is still missing. For example, carbon emission information disclosure is an important way of society-based supervision. The lack of this part of content will further cause the lack of society-based supervision of carbon emissions.
Key words: Carbon emissions, information disclosure, society-based supervision
MA Yong, WANG Minna. To promote the construction of carbon emission trading market, carbon emission information disclosure should be strengthened. BioGreen - Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development. Vol. 1, November 2024. Total Issues 70. ISSN2749-9065