The “Biodiversity Experts Lectures” column is now open

2024-12-02 10:58

Biodiversity conservation concerns the future of all mankind. In order to provide the general public, especially the youth, with a window to learn about biodiversity knowledge and to build a platform for international and domestic academic exchanges, China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) established the Biodiversity Science Museum in August 2024. This is a comprehensive platform that integrates popular science education, ecological experience, and scientific research.

At present, the Biodiversity Science Museum is divided into six exhibition areas, namely: History Area, VR Area, Species Area, Protected Area Area, International Activity Area, and Dark Sky Area. Each exhibition area carries rich ecological protection stories and scientific wisdom.

The Museum’s research classroom will regularly launch a series of popular science activities called “Biodiversity Experts Lectures” to provide visitors with opportunities to get close to and interact with academic experts. The journal’s column will also launch this series of expert lectures, so stay tuned!
