By ZHOU Jinfeng
Abstract: ESG is an important criterion for measuring whether companies and institutions have sufficient social responsibility. In recent years, it has become a hot topic at home and abroad, focusing on corporate environmental, social, and governance performance. This article discusses from the aspects of how to view the ESG concept, why the ESG evaluation standards are launched, and how to actively practice and promote ESG. Based on specific examples, such as China’s principles for responsible investment, ESG evaluation standards and low-carbon workshops, it is suggested that the development of ESG concepts in China should be “localized” and emphasize on biodiversity and green dynamic management.
Key words: ESG, responsible investment, environment, standards
ZHOU Jinfeng. Localization and adjustment strategies for ESG in China. BioGreen - Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development. Vol. 1, September 2023. Total Issues 48. ISSN2749-9065